
Dynamo Spotlight – Wesley Payne

At Dynamo Freight, our team is made up of talented individuals who come from a variety of backgrounds from around the country. We sat down with Wesley Payne, our Enterprise Development Manager, to learn more about how his background led to beginning his career at Dynamo.

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I attended West Virginia University – I bounced around a few majors but ended up with a degree in Sport Management

What are some interests of yours outside of work?

I like to think of myself as a pretty simple guy. I like to throw around weights in the gym, listen to music, and watch whatever sporting event is going on.

How did you first hear about Dynamo?

I heard about the company through one of my best pals, Mr. Daniel Wheeler. If logistics doesn’t work out for him, he can be a recruiter for Florida State!

How did you become interested in going into the logistics industry?

As a kid my family drove all over the country and I was obsessed with trucks, maps, where drivers were going, what was being hauled etc. I never thought that it would ultimately end up being my career. At the tail end of college when I decided not to pursue teaching, I found a job in Pittsburgh in logistics and loved the idea of getting to work in the industry. Within a month or 2 found that supply chain and logistics was where I needed to be!

What’s your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job is creating relationships and problem solving. If you were to look at my cell phone it’s filled with text messages from truck drivers that I talk with almost daily. Each day brings its own challenges but seeing a problem through to the end is truly rewarding and translates to everything in life, and you can’t beat that.

What keeps you at Dynamo?

Dynamo is full circle experience for me. I get to come in and work with some of the people that I started my career with and look up to with a great deal of respect. We are building something big here and can’t wait to see where we take it in the future.

What is the most rewarding aspect of managing your team?

My team is a bunch of rockstars that are all in different stages of their careers, yet at the same time are all focused on growing Dynamo. They are all very coachable and love learning and growing – never a dull moment with this group!

For someone about to start a career in sales and logistics, what would you tell them?

I would tell them to be a sponge and learn as much as you can from everyone you interact with, never think you are the smartest person in the room. Most importantly, treat everyone with the same respect because you never know who you are dealing with and who you can connect with that can help you down the line!

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